Worthwhile Reading


Efficient Presentation

Efficient Presentation

Efficient Presentations China Machine Press, 2016 Author(s): Ed Gruwez ISBN 978-7-111-53099-2Available in Chinese, French and Dutch:

Construire une présentation

Construire une présentation

Construire une présentation efficace en 4 temps Pearson France, 2014 Author(s): Edouard Gruwez ISBN 978-2-7440-6608-5Available in Chinese, French and Dutch:

To The Point Presenteren

To The Point Presenteren

Presentation Thinking & Design Create better presentations, quicker Financial Times Publishing, 2014 Author(s): Ed Gruwez ISBN 978-1-292-01357-2Review by BVIC (Association of Internal Communication Manangers): Content. Making presentations is not always easy. How do...

Presentation Thinking & Design

Presentation Thinking & Design

Presentation Thinking & Design Create better presentations, quicker Financial Times Publishing, 2014 Author(s): Ed Gruwez ISBN 978-1-292-01357-2 Review by BVIC (Association of Internal Communication Manangers): Content. Making presentations is not always easy. How do...