Worthwhile Reading
To The Point Articles
Corona crisis en wetenschappelijke communicatie
Hebben we de corona crisis te danken aan de communicatiecultuur van wetenschappers? Wetenschappers wisten al meer dan 10 jaar dat er een corona pandemie zat aan te komen. We wisten zelfs waar en hoe de pandemie zou ontstaan, over welk type virus het zou gaan en...
How to present to a Board of Directors
How to make a Presentation to the Board of Directors by Edouard Gruwez - September 2019This article is a brief guideline for anyone who prepares a presentation to the Board of Directors or to a Board Committee. A Board of Directors is a particularly demanding audience...
5 tips to create clarity
5 tips to create clarity. Why are leaders and politicians never totally clear and what can they do about it? By Edouard Gruwez, Employees often complain that decisions are unclear, contradictory even. Yet their leaders are convinced that the plans are crystal clear....
PowerPoint undermines Corporate Strategy
PowerPoint can undermine Corporate Strategy An experience with 6 leading companies. by Edouard Gruwez - June 2018 In the past months, we helped half a dozen global organizations to articulate their strategy. Strategy creation has become a tedious process of producing...
VUCA world – quick summary
VUCA world a quick summary VUCA world - a quick summary by Edouard Gruwez - September 2017 VUCA is a popular acronym to describe today’s business environment. Everyone should at least know what it means. This article gives a concise overview. Why VUCA? We live...
Limited Attention
The shocking truth of our limited attention The video below provides shocking proof of our limited attention. It shows that, when not paying attention, we see things that aren’t there. This flashed face distortion effect was only discovered recently. We know...