Exceptional training on October 6th and 7th:

We live in a VUCA world: high Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.
In this fast changing environment organisations have to act in a swift, decisive way; more networked than hierarchical. This requires for every individual manager to communicate and decide efficiently.
In this workshop (senior) managers will learn to be dramatically more ‘to the point’.

 The training 


High intensity & interactive

Practical with immediate results

Bring your own work & get feedback

The newest models & theories

Expert lecturer (Author and prof at IE)



Make better decisions and get them approved quicker.


Your presentations will become 5x more impactful.



Write crisper, clearer reports and emails.


Time saving

and do all of that faster

Learn the TLSM framework

TLSM was originally developed for more concise and impactful presentations. It was published by Financial Times and it is taught  at world-top business schools. Many top managers use this framework. The extended framework is applicable for thinking, presentations, discussions and decisions.

Presentations and decisions become:

  • more impactful:
  • clear & convincing
  • simple but not oversimplified
  • concise but complete
  • and need time in preparations and interaction


Book included

Presentation Thinking & Design,
Edouard Gruwez
Financial Times Publishing


Francis Peene

Director, Bank for the future program
BNP Paribas Fortis

The art lies in simplicity. Ed Gruwez is a master in his approach to design content.

I Fen Chiang

Global Director Commercial excellence

It is about transforming complex concepts…
essential for anyone who needs to communicate across a large organisation.

Nicolas Filatieff


Head of Marketing
BNP Paribas Fortis

It helps at any level in the organisation to develop neat and impactful presentations.


Dominique vercraeye


Managing Director
Kantar – TNS

… allowed us to work in a more efficient and structured way.


Edouard (Ed) Gruwez

Edouard (Ed) Gruwez


Author of Presentation Thinking & Design (Financial Times Publsihing)

Teacher at global companies around the world

Consultant to many senior managers

Visiting Professor at IE (Instituto Emprese – Madrid)

Managing Director To The Point At Work

Keynote speaker at many conferences 

 You will love it 

managers have followed this training

  • Their evaluation 96.1% 96.1%

You will love it

Many participants to this training called it the best training they ever had. You will see an immediate change after this training. 

Your audience will love it!

Your presentations will be more concise, entertaining and impactful. Your colleagues will love it.


 Special Deal 


Dates : Friday October 6th- Saturday 7th
Time : Friday 12pm-7pm, Saturday 9am-4pm
Language : English
Participants : Senior managers & experts
Location : Antwerp (less than 2 hours from London, Paris & Amsterdam)
Cost : Euro 1395 pp

Invite a friend !

We like to thank people who promote us. Invite a friend and get 20% discount if that friend participates. This is cumulative: Convince 5 and you come totally for free.

And if you can’t participate, we will thank you with a gift or restaurant voucher worth 100€ for each friend you convince.

Give the names below. We will be glad to thank you for every paying participation. But your most valuable reward still will be what you will learn during the course.

 Register Now 



3 + 11 =

by | Aug 22, 2017

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