Coffee With Edouard – 20 Dec 23
Join us for a quarterly webinar where Edouard explores compelling business topics, solutions, and industry trends. Designed for our masterclass alumni, these sessions offer a 30-minute presentation followed by 20 minutes of interactive Q&A. Duration: 50 minutes...
Online Masterclass
Do you struggle to present complex subjects in a short time?Frustrated with long, unclear, unconvincing PowerPoints?Is your audience demanding and easily distracted? Here is a simple and effective solutionfor dramatically better narratives and presentations with more...
Online Masterclass
Does your team struggle to present complex subjects in a short time?Frustrated with long, unclear, unconvincing, PowerPoints?Is the audience demanding and easily distracted? We have a simple and substantiated solutionFor dramatically better narratives with more impact...
Online Masterclass
Frustrated with long complicated PowerPoints? Is your audience difficult and demanding? We have a simple and substantiated solution. Your audience will love it.NEW ONLINE COURSEFor experts & managers who frequently report & present to senior management,...
Corona crisis en wetenschappelijke communicatie
Hebben we de corona crisis te danken aan de communicatiecultuur van wetenschappers? Wetenschappers wisten al meer dan 10 jaar dat er een corona pandemie zat aan te komen. We wisten zelfs waar en hoe de pandemie zou ontstaan, over welk type virus het zou gaan en...
John Bercow’s resignation speech as speaker of the House of Commons
John Bercow Resignation speech as Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow became famous around the globe with his signature shout of "ORDERRRR!" in British Parliament. He's equally famous for his quotes and one-liners. This resignation speech yesterday is a...
10.000 copies sold
10.000 copies sold. The book "presentation thinking & design" was purchased 10.000 times. It was published in 4 languages. It is a guide for anyone who wants to make better business presentations. Different to all other presentation books, it focuses on...
Open training – October 2017 – To The Point for senior managers
SOLD OUT Exceptional training on October 6th and 7th: We live in a VUCA world: high Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. In this fast changing environment organisations have to act in a swift, decisive way; more networked than hierarchical. This requires...
De brief van VOKA: zeer goed, maar kan het beter?
VOKA boodschap voor 11 juli: Het kan beterWe analyseerden en verbeterden de brief van VOKA met de TLSM methodologie. Paul Kumpen, voorzitter van VOKA, publiceert vandaag een een opiniestuk ter gelegenheid van 11 juli: “De 21ste eeuw moet nu beginnen”. Hij toont waar...